jeudi 18 septembre 2008

DIRGE - Death in Vegas

Hi Guys,

Here is another great video and also great song. Love it!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hey man this is a great idea, I'm a music video lover. I'm from Mexico and I'm about to start doing my thesis and it's gonna be music video related, so that's why I found your blog.

I leave you my 5 favorite directors:

Michel Gondry
Mark Romanek
Hype Williams
Chris Cunningham
Floria Sigismondi

Here's my blog adress, so if you know spanish watch it.


Video Clip Directors (VCD) a dit…

Hi Jonas,

Thanks for your message. I went on your blog and I saw you posted an article on REC the movie. I am desesperatly trying to rent it but can't find it!! It seems deadly!

We will try to put more information about the directors on the videos we post on the blog. So stop by from time to time.

Good luck with the thesis!

Music Video Directors